East Point Housing Authority
East Point Housing Authority

Frequently Asked Questions

Public Housing Program Questions

What is Public Housing?

Public Housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for low-income to moderate-income families, elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers federal aid to local housing agencies to manage the housing for residents at affordable rents.

How Do I Apply For Public Housing?

Is your income level within the “Income Guidelines”? (see chart)

Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8 Program) Program Questions

How do I know when the Section 8 Wait List is open?

East Point Housing Authority will disclose this information over the phone. We also post the information as a Public Notice at our Central Office and place advertisements in the public notice section of the local newspapers.

What information will I need to provide on the Section 8 application?

East Point Housing Authority will disclose this information over the phone. We also post the information as a Public Notice at our Central Office and place advertisements in the public notice section of the local newspapers.

What happens when my name comes to the top of the wait list?

You will be sent an appointment letter by mail to attend an eligibility session. Your income will be calculated to ensure that you are eligible to receive assistance.

How much of my rent will Section 8 pay?

Eligible families pay up to 40% of their adjusted income toward their rent. Section 8 pays the remainder directly to the owner. The family is responsible for the security deposit.

As an owner how can I participate in the Section 8 Program?

Contact the East Point Housing Authority at (404) 768-0078 to register and attend a HCV owner orientation briefing to understand all the rules and guidelines for owner participation.

Who is responsible for screening the client?

The owner/agent is responsible for screening the families based on their tenancy histories to determine if the applicant will be good renters.

How do I list my rental property?

GoSection8.com offers free and premium listing options Section 8 owners and agents. There is no limit to the number of properties you can list; however, all free listings require reactivation every 30 days. To list a property, go to GoSection8.com or call toll free at 1-866-466-7328.


Socialserve.com is a free listing service for affordable rentals. You can call toll free at 1-877-428-8844 to set an account to list your rental property according to number of bedrooms.

How is the rent set and determined for each unit?

The East Point Housing Authority is responsible for ensuring that rents charged by owners are reasonable based upon objective comparable rents in the private unassisted market. The EPHA certifies for each unit which it approves, a lease that the contract rent for such unit is: reasonable in relation to rent currently being charged in the private market, taking into account the location, size, type, quality, amenities, facilities, management and maintenance service of such unit; and the proposed rent is not in excess of rents currently being charged by the owner for comparable unassisted units and assisted units.



Board meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM, at our offices located at 3056 Norman Berry Drive, East Point, GA, 30344.


Douglas Jones, Chair
Michael Spann, Executive Director

How-to register and make a rent payment using EPHA tenant online portal.

Waitlist Web Application Access  

Public Housing Wait List is  Currently Closed 

Our Contact Information

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 91363

East Point, GA 30364


Street Address

East Point Housing Authority
3056 Norman Berry Dr
East Point, GA 30344



404 768-0078


404 669-0056


Email: Use our contact form.

Maintenance Office:

404 669-9060

Emergency After Hour:

404 379-6929

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